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Reduce Energy,
Save the Planet,
Reap Big Rewards

Join ClimateResponse® VPP to get rewarded for reducing your energy use when the grid is under stress and energy prices are high. Now you can save money on your utility bills and earn rewards while you help combat climate change, strengthen the grid, and avoid power disruptions.

Join today – it’s free and easy. With no obligation.

I am a nonresidential / commercial / industrial consumer

Generate revenue from your distributed energy resource (DER) assets and other energy saving strategies by enrolling your facilities in ClimateResponse® VPP

I am a residential or small business consumer

Join the ClimateResponse® VPP community to save money and make an impact

How ClimateResponse® VPP Works

Sign up for ClimateResponse® VPP
Sign up for ClimateResponse® VPP
Receive ClimateResponse® VPP event notification
Receive ClimateResponse® VPP event notification
Participate by reducingyour energy use
Participate by reducing
your energy use
Watch yourrewards grow
Watch your
rewards grow

When you join ClimateResponse® VPP, you will earn rewards and fight climate change by participating in energy savings events. It’s entirely voluntary and free to join!

Featured Organizations We Work With

Partner with Us

To engage energy consumers
in your jurisdiction or business

Whether you are an investor owned utility (IOU), load-serving entity (LSE), energy service provider, government agency or for-profit business, your business, sustainability and climate action goals can be realized when you become a ClimateResponse partner. As a partner, you will gain insight into the energy saved, greenhouse gas emissions avoided, and grid impacts.


Become a ClimateResponse® VPP Partner

Participation Benefits

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Strengthen the grid
Strengthen the grid
Save on your electric bill
Save on your electric bill
Track your energy use
Track your energy use
Generate revenue or earn rewards
Generate revenue or earn rewards
man pointing at touch screen with icons

Impact the planet,
impact your bottom line

We call ClimateResponse® VPP Events when grid energy demand, energy price, and carbon emissions are high. When you reduce your energy consumption during a ClimateResponse® VPP Event, you help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, avoid power outages, and save money!

News & Blogs

Participation is entirely voluntary and it’s free to join!

I am a nonresidential / commercial / industrial consumer

Generate revenue from your distributed energy resource (DER) assets and other energy saving strategies by enrolling your facilities in ClimateResponse® VPP

I am a residential or small
business consumer

Join the ClimateResponse® VPP community to save money and make an impact